trade dispute - trade friction - trade war 贸易分歧-贸易摩擦-贸易战
Chinese companies must prepare for worst case scenario in ongoing trade dispute with US
Some people believe downward pressure on the US economy will give the White House less leeway to carry out a trade war, easing tensions with China, but this is not necessarily the case.
Although the US economy is experiencing one of its longest expansions on record, a slowdown is looming. Some analysts believe the US economy will lose steam in the second half of next year as the effects of the tax cut fade.
Concern about an economic slowdown is one reason behind the year-end volatility in the stock market. US shares have been on a wild ride recently, with both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 turning negative last week.
History shows there were always more protectionist measures in the US when the economy slipped into recession. Trade protectionism rose during the Great Depression of the 1930s, as well as during the two oil crises of the 1970s, and again in 2002 when the steel industry had a hard time.

worst-case scenario 糟糕的状况;坏情况
ongoing trade dispute 正在进行的贸易争端
downward pressure 下行压力
Leeway 余地
not necessarily the case 事实未必如此
Looming adj. 隐隐约约的;正在逼近的
lose steam 失去动力,泄气
tax cut 减税
stock market 股票市场
wild ride 动荡
protectionist measures 保护主义措施
Recession 衰退
Great Depression 大萧条
oil crises 石油危机
Obama said his plan would provide a tax cut to the middle class.