首先要学习的是:“我怎么用英语说这个?” 从这个简单的问题开始,你可以了解你需要知道的一切。尝试用任何你想学习的新语言,然后开始享受这个过程!
2.THE FIRST THINGS:The same as in any language; "please", "thank you".
第一件事情:与任何语言相同; 学会“请,谢谢你”。
And then the questions: "where", "when", "how much" and then "who", "what", "how"
Those questions, plus a few nouns, have helped me out in many countries where I barely speak the language.
Then, if you are trying to learn the language deeper, remember these things:
a) English and American spelling is different for many words
b) English spelling does not make sense; you cannot look at a word and know how it should be pronounced
b)英文拼写没有意义; 你不能看一个字,知道应该如何发音
c) Many British people will speak in a way that does not sound like any form of English that you have learnt
3.Speak from day one and don't be afraid of making mistakes.
Learn a few basic sentences such as "What does it mean?", "How do you pronounce this word?" "How do you spell this word?".
学习一些基本的句子,如“这是什么意思?”,“你怎么发音这个词?” “你怎么拼写这个词?”
It is important to learn the WH-questions ( who, what, when, where and why ), so you could start asking questions to your friends.
Pronunciation is crucial when you are learning English. Make sure you learn them properly.