Where do you come from?你从哪来?
What's the weather today?天气怎么样?
Do you like your mother?你爱你的妈妈吗?
19.Please have some vegetables.吃点蔬菜吧。
How can I help you?有什么需要帮助的吗?
Hope to see you again! 希望能再见到你。
How do you get to school?你怎么去上学?
What grade/class are you in?你在哪个班?
Boating is very interesting .划船很有趣。
What school are you from?你从哪个学校来?
Let's get ready for class!让我们准备上课吧!
What about going for a row?一起去划船好吗?
What's your English name?你的英文名叫什么?
What animal don't you like?你不喜欢哪个动物?
Do you often go to the zoo?你经常去动物园吗?

What's your father's name?你爸爸的名字叫什么?
Come on,Let's play together.过来,我们一起玩。
There are many boats on the sea.海上有很多船。
Excuse me, where's the cinema? 请问电影院在哪?
What's your favorite food?你喜欢的食物是什么?
How long have you learned English?你学英语多久了?
How many lessons do you have today?今天你有几节课?
The planes are fiying round and round.飞机飞来飞去。
Where's the teachers'office, please?老师办公室在哪?
Running is not allowed on the bus.不能在公共汽车上跑。
Do you like traveling by airplane?你喜欢坐飞机旅行吗?
Please line up when you get on the bus.坐公交车时请排队。
How many people are there in your family?你家里有几口人?
What's your English teacher's name?你英语老师的名字叫什么?
Which bus do you take to kindergarten?去幼儿园坐几路公交车?