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来源:趣趣ABC少儿英语 时间:2019-05-29 11:57:39


  1. Turn up

  Definition: Want to get this party started? Then you better turn up. After all, there is nothing teens love more than #parties (except maybe #selfies). Also can be used ironically.

  Used in a sentence: "Did you hear Tracy is hosting an open house rager tonight? TURN UP!"

  定义:想要搞 high 一个派对吗?那你好 high 起来。毕竟,派对是青少年们的爱!


  例句:你听说 Tracy 今晚会在家开一个很棒的派对吗?大家 high 起来!

  2. Doe

  Definition: Um, it's like "though" but better, and used for emphasis. There really isn't much to it.

  Used in a sentence: "Oh, dat test doe!"


  3. Swag money

  Definition: Sort of like "swerve", "swag money" is an emphatic phrase that can be used at either end of a sentence. It is used to convey "rich greatness" because, duh, as if teens would ever be caught saying something is just great.

  Used in a sentence: "Oh swag money, we got front-row seats to the One Direction concert!"

  定义:“swag money”是一个强调型的短语,它可以用于句首或者句尾。一般用于表示“非常棒”。

  例句:哦!太棒了!我们买到了 One Direction 演唱会第一排的票。

  4. Kk

  Definition: Used exclusively in texting, "kk" is the less passive-aggressive version of "OK." After all, teens love to be soooooo chill.

  Used in a sentence: (Responding to a question) "Kk."


  5. Killin'it"

  Definition: Teens are constantly doing awesome things, so they had to invent a phrase that basically means the awesomer version of awesome. That's where "killin' it" comes in.

  Used in a sentence: "OMG I totally was killin' it on the dance floor at prom!"



  6. Fam

  Definition: Everyone has a family, but when you are a teen, you refer to them as your "fam" because abbreviating stuff is so mad chill. It's especially useful to do when you are complaining about and/or making fun of them (a favorite pastime of teens everywhere).

  Used in a sentence: "Ugh, I have to have dinner with the fam tonight but I can go out after."


